LAMÈQUE – The Annual General Meeting of La Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque Inc. was held last night for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Here is a summary of how we allocated funds this past year to once again improve health care services for people:
These amounts form part of the nearly $1.5 million that the Foundation has supplied since its inception to improve health care services. These funds have maintained and strengthened existing services and enabled the establishment of new services for people here in our region. As an example, we would like to highlight a major donation from the Fondation communautaire des Pionniers et Pionnières to purchase beds that will improve patients’ comfort.
“Thank you for renewing your partnership with us year after year. Thank you also to the organizers and participants supporting our various fundraising activities such as the Northern Star Campaign, the Valentine’s Brunch and the Roses Radiothon”, declared Mr. Yoland Chiasson, Chairman of the Board of Directors, who ended his last term last night.
The past year was certainly marked by the announcement of an important partnership in support of major renovations to be carried out in our facility. Vitalité Health Network and the Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque Inc. will provide $1 million for the Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Centre to expand its Family Medicine Unit. The drawings and specifications for the project should be completed in the fall of 2020 and the renovation work could begin in early 2021.
The elected members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors are as follows: Norma Aubut (chairperson), Denis Savoie (vice‑chair), Sylvie Lanteigne (treasurer), Shelley Robichaud (secretary), Linda Austin, Raymonde Chiasson, Maxime Duguay, Dre Dawn Marie Martin‑Ward and Irène Savoie.
For further information:
Mona Doucet
Director of Development
Development Office