LAMÈQUE – The 2016 Annual Fundraising Campaign of La Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque Inc. was officially launched this morning at the cafeteria of the Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Centre.This year, the financial objective for the campaign has been set at $40,000. The funds raised will help to improve the Medical area, the Appointment and Walk-in Clinic, and Medical Imaging, as well as to support some regional projects.
The ceremony allowed the foundation to highlight the first commitments by the following partners: staff of the Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Centre, the Town of Lamèque, the Northern Star in collaboration with the Caisse populaire de Shippagan and the Caisse populaire des Iles, Island Fishermen Cooperative Association Ltd., the Valentine’s Brunch, the Caisse populaire of Shippagan, Club Richelieu of Lamèque, Jiffy Products (NB) Inc., Pèse Pêche Inc. and Chalutier Lan Ltee.. “Our services are invaluable for our community and are made possible in part thanks to you,” said Shelley Robichaud, Director of the Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Centre.
“Thanks to the talent and passion of the staff of our health facility and to the work of our volunteers, Board of Directors, and foundation staff, but above all thanks to the generosity and trust of donors and participants in the foundation’s fundraising activities, we are able to provide the best possible health care services to people in our region who are sick,” stated Yoland Chiasson, Chairman of the foundation’s Board of Directors.
Mr. Chiasson announced that the result of collective efforts made in our region was very conclusive, as over one million dollars was invested in the Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Center since La Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque Inc. was created in 1987.
Upcoming activities of La Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque include the 9th Amateur Show by Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Centre employees to be held on April 2, 2016 and the continuation of the annual campaign until the Roses Radiothon, to be held on April 29, 2016. People are also invited to make a donation online at
The mission of the Fondation de l’Hôpital de Lamèque is to represent the community and raise funds in order to maintain and improve the health care services provided at the Lamèque Hospital and Community Health Centre.
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For more information, please contact:
Julie Bilodeau
Acadian Peninsula Annual Campaign Officer
Picture (with caption) : 2016_annual_campaign.pdf